Grade 7 and 8 Maths (7 and 5 periods a week), Grade 8 and 9 Physical Science (both 4 periods a week), grades 8-10 BIS (total 3 periods a week). Altogether that's 23 periods a week teaching, not bad at all for a first year PCV in Namibia. Even under our "max" which is 28 peridos the first year (20 the second year) which I'm sure many don't get the luxury of. Feeling pretty guilty though as we're in need of 4 teachers so I kind of want to try and tackle the empty classes. Our kids are running around crazy so it's created a pretty large discipline problem. Here's what's stopping me: trying to clean up our library and then start on getting some subscriptions donated. I think I'll be able to work with the secretary on this one so that'll be nice. And then trying to start my work for the music and arts center one of my colleagues wants to set up. Well not really a colleague, he's even more of a volunteer than I am. Really an amazing guy. He's a retired musician that is friends with my principal. Asked if he coud come down here and teach the arts classes for the school without pay. He's collected donations for instruments, books, all sorts of stuff from all over. I know, pretty ridiculous right? I'm getting shown up all over the place even as a volunteer. For trying to keep some time for myself: I have indulged in the occasional movie but I'm trying to stay clear of that realm. I've been going through shrinking and cleaning up pictures on my external hard drive while doing other housekeeping things on my computer. Speaking of computers I a also in charge of the resource project for the Namibian PCVs (I took this willingly, so I can't complain). Really cool to get a bunch of resources right from the start: books for all sorts of things, lesson plans for classes (well, NOW it has lesson plans....), etc.
Fun right? I've been trying to exercise so I don't totally let myself go. Trying to do a bit of reading, been somewhat successufl in this department. Almost done reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Read Dune, and the Ranger's Apprentice series so I've been a little busy in that department. Also have taken out the guitar a couple times. Not as much as I'd like to but enough where it's relatively in tune each time I take it out. Also want to start studying a variety of topics. I really should get back to studying Kwoekwoegowab so I can start dropping some sick rhymes around here...okay, maybe I should just work on getting past introductions first. But soon, soon I'll be throwing together lyrics like the world has never seen. As for the other topics I'd like to study: art, music, other languages, computer stuff, acrobatics, etc.; all things I've had on the back burner...and will probably keep there until I finish my service. Okay, that's a lie. I've finally decided to teach myself a back handspring and I'll be delving into website design for the arts center, the school, and maybe a couple other organizations around here. Also I want to make one for myself, a little online profile/resume/CV/"if-you're-really-that-curious-about-me-or-want-to-brag-to-your-friends-about-me-you-can-just-google-me-and find-it" website. At some point have to get myself back into math and econ before it gets too rusty and then there's the GREs but those all can wait until next year.
Yeah, I'm totally not strung out. Going on dates all the time, partying every third night, haha, if only. But I only jest. It's actually a blast. For example teaching: it always keeps you high strung (or at least it does with me) but the kids always find a way to make you smile and ease the tension...hopefully for at least a short while before they have you wanting to smash your head through a wall again. It's mostly just a continuous cycle of procrastinating things I REALLY should be doing with just things I need to get done...and a little bit of the spice of life thrown in on the side (music, reading....not the recently afore mentioned things). The arts center is also something I'd really like to help out with because 1) I can and feel I'd be a valuable resource 2) it's the arts and I think they're incredibly important 3) I really think the guy is awesome and is doing an amazing thing with it. As I look around the room while I type this, I realize I need to do some maintenance on my room and clean up a bit. But am also surprised at how kept together it is. I guess the daily grind keeps it from getting too out of control. Same goes for myself too. After shaving my head, I've grown a matching beard. If I can, I'll try an upload the schedule I made for myself but am still working on sticking to. It's more of a guideline really....
Okay, I could swear someone is harassing me and throwing stuff at my window. But, I'm not going to jump to conclusions.......and upon further inspection, it's only the-larger-than-a-golf-ball beetles that are flying into my window at mach II. I have some fun encounters with these guys also while biking. Keeps me on my toes; I get to pretend I'm a large battering ram going against a little tiny mouse door or soemthing. I guess saying my helmet is a shield that I headbutt-bash them with would be a better metaphor but you get the war analogy either way. Though that battle is nothing compared to the war I have with mosquitos. You think the Karate Kid was awesome catching a fly with chopsticks? Ha! He has nothing on me. I swated a fly using my sandal basing it's location purely off of sound. I've learned to put myself into a ninja trance state with lightning reflexes and can flick the wings off of those little critters with just a snap of my pinky. Okay, maybe not that awesome but my hands have turned into something like snapdragons. It probably looks like I'm doing flamenco dancing or something because I'll walk around or stand in place spinning and clapping wildly.
Anyway, in the spirit of me running maintenance on myself I'm going to head to bed. It's already 9:30 and that's past my usual bedtime (9 pm....yep). Though even worse because I might get up a bit early to try and use the internet (between 1am and 5 am remember?). I know you were probably thinking, how is he going to design websites when he's barely connected to the internet. I'll manage. Next weekend will be a lot of internet usage I hope. I really want to try and upload some videos (and more pictures) so you can see some action instead of just snap shots. Ahh, then there's Skype/GoogleVoice to try and set up! The list keeps growing and my mind's been at it all night. Well, I guess some days are just meant for brainstorming and others are meant for vigorous work. Today was definitely the former (I feel asleep in the library trying to work on the computers...twice). Okay, I'm off! Night!