Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blog Fail

So I know it has been a long time since I've written anything.....and it'll be even longer since I post anything of substance. I'm about to travel on vacation for a couple weeks so HOPEFULLY I will finally sit down and type something up when I return. At the very least I should put up some pictures. I had things I've wanted to write about but have been super busy with school, this resource file/memory stick we have, planning for our music project, etc. Things have calmed down...sort of, so when I return I should be able to take some time to post. Still have my lesson preparation for next term, grants and proposals to write, the websites, to plan...ugh, massive headache just thinking about it.

1 comment:

  1. hang in there- enjoy your vacation and when life gets a little tough- just breath through it, it will all pass and in the end everything will work itself out.
