Monday, September 26, 2011

So pretend it's late July when you read this, I forgot to post this :(

Okay, my apologies again for my long hiatus. I've had a few things going on but have mostly just been pretty apathetic. As I said before I am sure I won't be teaching in any large capacity when I get back to the States, no take-backs, if's, and's or but's. If you see me trying to slap me in the face.

Needless to say it has been a little stressful and difficult these past few weeks excluding the past week - so let's talk about that. Last week we had our mid-service conference just prior to our 50th Anniversary conference. Both were a lot of fun, the latter more so than the former.

During our Mid-service conference we went over a few details and the administrative staff just touched on a few pieces of information they wanted to share with us. We also got the chance to talk with each other about how our sites are doing and any successes or challenges we've had. For the most part PCVs are having challenges with teaching, mostly just the same as myself. The other challenges, well, I'll spare you those details as I'd rather not have this be a vent session with no moral at the end.

As always it was nice to see so many faces again that I haven't seen for months, some up to the 8-9 months since our training. It's funny how our time spent together is - at least for me. As I've said before, the PCVs in the North (with the exception of Edward) are pretty closely clustered compared to me. They bump into each other in their shopping towns, pay weekend visits to each other, etc. Maybe that is why these past 11 months have seemed to fly by. I'm partially measuring them in my time spent with Americans. During this conference and our 50th Anniversary conference we were all trying to figure out the times when we would next see each other - the time inbetween seemed just to be "work" or "the middle stuff". Edward is a big inspiration to me in that regard. I know he has integrated incredibly well into his community, much more so than I have accomplished. He spends most of his time at site, and most of his day working. I feel I spend most of my time trying to last until lunch to where I retreat to the library for the rest of the day. Granted some learners (students) come into the library during study hour but it's pretty minimal - well, the ones I let in that actually study. There's plenty that want to come in and make a mess of things. There are a few more points I would like to mention in this regard but I'll keep the lid on them for the moment.

The 50th Anniversary All Volunteer Conference (AVC for short) was a blast. We had 103 of the 115 PCVs (I think that's our total here) in attendence. There were many PCVs I saw for the first time, sadly I didn't take the initiative to meet many of them but I did get to see a lot of PCVs that I rarely see, if ever. We had a few celebratory sessions such as PSA (public service announcement) videos over the years. Some of them were ridiculous. "If you think the glass is half empty, don't even bother. If you think the glass is half full, you might have a chance at making it." "Do you want to work 16 hours a day for people you've never met? If so, join the Peace Corps." Yeah, motivational my butt. Although there were definitely some that were motivational and made me feel a little bit guilty about my service so far. One thing I did notice is that a lot of them were NOT teachers even though currently 1/3 of all Peace Corps positions are for teachers. Probably smart marketing on their part. Though I will say I think PCVs that are teachers, and enjoy what they do, probably have some of the most rewarding experiences during service from the sheer number of relationships they establish. I have formed some strong bonds with a few of the students and a couple of the staff. Granted I feel mine is a somewhat small fraction, if I worked to have strong relationships with 100% of my learners my service would be something else entirely.

Alas, I sit here during my lunch with my grade 8 class in detention. I forgot/didn't get time to make my lunch so I'm in a particularly sour mood. Definitely pretty funny when they just sit here asking me to beat them in the office instead. Oh the temptations.....kidding. Though there is some definite animosity towards them, and as much of a challenge it can be at times of anger, beating children is not part of my character. Though I am getting less and less concerned for their well-being. Parents, or some sort of guardian, have come up to me asking about why I keep them late, during lunch, etc. Well, so far it's only been two, that I know of, but they've been really short conversations after telling them that the kids aren't doing any homework, making noise (being loud and don't stop talking), disrespectful, etc. "Oh, he/she didn't tell me that." Yeah, I'm sure they didn't. Just like the angry parents we had for kids getting kicked out of our hostel (they were sleeping with each other). Just kids being deliquients, not anything different from the rest of the world.

Okay, there is some definite bitterness here and I'd like to steer away from that. I think I mentioned that we got internet at our school, actually I totally haven't. It was about 1.5 weeks ago and I haven't written in like a month, so yay! Internet! Will be a lot nicer being able to get my nights back for sleep. The USB modem was nice because I can use it anywhere but only using it from Midnight to 6am (we got 2 extra hours but have to pay N$10 for the ENTIRE time....bah, corporations) definitely left me pretty tired. I'm hoping I can try and catch up on some things so I can upload bunches of pictures and maybe even some movies! Should be possible now that we have internet 24/7, and it's not even that slow! We need a few cables and I need to find the ethernet drivers for half of our computers but I'm hoping soon. They've managed to be pretty elusive. If anyone reading this ever donates computers, please send along the drivers with them. I want to install Ubuntu on them which I think would have everything working but I also want to keep Windows on them so they can have something more familiar. Plus I can monitor and hand off Windows easier than Ubuntu, which would take a decent amount of training and it's a lot easier to mess up.

I have downloaded some manuals on the subject though, both Windows and Ubuntu, and plan on trying to make some sort of training presentation. The question is just getting the time to do it. I have a busy couple weeks ahead as it's the end of term again but this time I'll have a week to just work at site with little worries, that is after I submit my grades. At least this time I won't be super stressed and pressed for time. I'm hoping then I can finally catch up with some of the IT work I have to do here. Then it's off to Camp GLOW, which I'm pretty excited for. Maybe I'll feel a little less guilty about my service giving up my vacation for a kids camp. I think it'll be pretty fun. Will be a good break to work with a new group of kids that are really trying hard in school. I'm assuming Liz is pretty thorough and selective during the application process. At least I hope so. Will be refreshing to have some energetic kids that I don't have to pester to do their homework everyday.

Speaking of vacations I need to finally get to planning my next one - December. It should be a long one and I definitely want to take advantage of it which means budget, budget, budget. We will hopefully get our cultural weeks again so I think I'll try and visit the North for a little bit. I also want to collaborate with a couple PCVs on some joint IT-Educational stuff. The previously mentioned thing I'm keeping a lid on may have some affect on my vacation as well (in a positive way) which would mean lots of studying - good studying though, that will be really useful. More skills I want to learn that I can finally scratch off my to-do list. Sadly, my guitar has seen little practice. Maybe I'll do that this week sometime, or next weekend. Would definitely be some solid stress relief and way more constructive than watching Television shows and movies. If you have any recommendations, please feel free to suggest them. I think I have everything figured out and what I want, it's just where I am. So if that changes then I think I'll be good to go! As for now, I'll try and allocate some pictures to post and see if I can get my youtube stuff updated again. So many things to do but hopefully you can finally get a better picture of life here in just a short while!

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